1453 14th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
PAINT:LAB is a walk-in art studio and school where people can experience, express, and explore their creativity through the medium of paint without having to set up a studio at home. They provide a nurturing, creative space where customers come in on their own schedule and create works of art, purchase art supplies to take home or sign into an instructed workshop to brush up their skills. The studio is also available for private lessons and events, including birthday parties, fundraisers, etc.
PAINT:LAB gained a $1,000 Efficiency Mini-Grant offered by INTUIT in collaboration with the California Green Business Network (CAGBN) to replace 32-watt T8 Fluorescent tubes with 15-watt LEDs, and upgrade 23-watt CFL desk lamps with 9-watt LEDs. These upgrades reduces annual energy use by over 1,060 kWh. Leftover funds were used to purchase new filters for their AC unit to optimize efficiency. Furthermore, PAINT:LAB is powered by 100% Green energy through Edison's partnership with the Clean Power Alliance.
The PAINT:LAB team is pragmatic in finding ethical and earth-oriented solutions and themes for media kids art workshops such as “Found Objects” and “Upcycled Textiles” on top of procuring recycled or repurposed materials. PAINT:LAB opened its Santa Monica doors in 2009 on Main Street and moved to 1453 14th Street in 2020.